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Will Customers Buy Into Your Seller Persona?
Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee

Will Customers Buy Into Your Seller Persona?

You've analyzed your prospective market, built buyer personas for your perfect customer, and crafted your website and Facebook pages with all the social media bells and whistles to ensure that the right people are coming to view your content, products and services.

You also have social media monitoring tools in place to track your customers’ journey to you. Did they enjoy the experience? Is it simply enough that they stayed the journey? How can you be sure?

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Real Time Talent Identification
Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee

Real Time Talent Identification

There is something seriously wrong with how organizations are going about identifying talent in their organizations. Substantially, most organizations today treat their staff as objects sitting on the warehouse shelves waiting to be picked off. The HR department will have devised capability characteristics that can be assigned to each individual using some tenuous process, so that they can be placed in the right shelf with similarly categorised staff. Some specially classified staff may merit a shelf of their own and therefore may be especially attractive to those fortunate enough to have been picked off the shelves earlier.

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Data-Driven Collaboration Part 2: Recognizing Personas and Behaviors to Improve Engagement
Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee

Data-Driven Collaboration Part 2: Recognizing Personas and Behaviors to Improve Engagement

In Part 1 of this series, “Data-Driven Collaboration Design”—a collaboration between SWOOP Analytics and Carpool Agency—we demonstrated how data can be used as a diagnostic tool to inform the goals and strategies that drive your business’ internal communication and collaboration. In this post, we will take that thought one step further and show how, after your course is charted to improve internal communication and collaboration, your data continues to play a vital role in shaping your journey.

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Identifying Key Connectors/Informal Leaders at Scale
Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee

Identifying Key Connectors/Informal Leaders at Scale

A recent article by Reid Carpenter  on uncovering authentic informal leaders reminds us that in a post-industrial economy, the powerbrokers are less likely to be identified by their C-Level formal titles, and more likely to be identified through word of mouth. New emerging organisational forms like Holocracies and Business Networks will live and die by the strength of their informal leaders. The importance of the connector is nothing new. Seth Godin wrote a book about ‘linchpins’; we have also blogged about the Quiet Achiever. There are now many sources of advice on how to recognise a genuine connector/informal leader. The challenge exists however, on how we identify these new informal leaders at scale?

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Can Collaboration Personas work with Sports Teams?
Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee

Can Collaboration Personas work with Sports Teams?

Professional sport these days is rife with in-depth analyses and statistics on player and team performance. Players are now often equipped with wearable devices to monitor their health and fitness by the minute. Increased betting on sport has added a whole new dimension to the desire for predictive analytics and anything that might assist the punters in predicting the result of a game.

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What Makes a Great Team On-line and Off?
Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee Thought Leadership Laurence Lock Lee

What Makes a Great Team On-line and Off?

We are witnessing a significant shrinkage in the digital divide between on-line and off-line work, as rapid digitization takes hold. The days when online work was led by the digital savvy are rapidly disappearing as even the baby boomer generation embraces social media. Our research has even identified that co-located teams use electronic means to record and share their work artifacts. So how can the movement to digital be used to assess team performance?

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