Workplace from Meta Benchmarking
SWOOP has benchmarked 68 organisations, 630,000 people and 12+ million of Workplace from Meta interactions across a full spectrum of industry sectors. Our free benchmarking report allows you to compare how you rate against other Workplace instances.
Download: Workplace 2019 Benchmarking Report
How does your Workplace instance compare with other organisations?
SWOOP Analytics® has compiled the largest benchmark of Workplace implementations globally. Our 2019 Workplace report includes 68 organisations worldwide that examined 630,000 users and more than 12 million digital interactions.
Our free benchmarking report allows you to compare the following indicators against other organisations:
Response Rate
A high response rate shows people are engaging others in conversation. Compare your organisation’s response rate with others.
Discussions/Active Users
A basic measure you can use to compare how actively engaged your employees are to similar organisations using Workplace.
Key Player Risk
How much your social network relies on a select few individuals.
Compare how your senior and line management is engaged with social networks compared with other organisations.
Number of public posts, open communication and collaboration go hand in hand. How does your organisation stack up?
2 Way Relationships
The average number of reciprocated relationships across the organisation.
Download our free guide to what 'good' looks like in Workplace from Meta
Download our free guide to what 'good' looks like in Workplace from Meta
SWOOP for Workplace: What ‘Good’ Looks Like and How To Get There
How do you measure Workplace adoption? What does ‘good’ look like? Learn about predictors for strong business value on Workplace and how to measure this in SWOOP in our free report.
SWOOP Award for Outstanding Collaborative Performance
Based on analysing 12+ million interactions between more than 630,000 people in 68 different organisations,
the following companies have received a SWOOP Award for Outstanding Collaborative Performance: